Contacting Self Horizons

Self Horizons Counselling is based in the centre of Hythe high street and in Portland Road which runs parallel to the high street. If you are unsure which address you will be based at for therapy please contact your therapist.

Free parking is available along the high street and along the Hythe canal, or paid within the various car parks in the town centre.
Hythe is easily reached via public transport from Folkestone and surrounding areas.

We are open and contactable Monday to Friday 9am till 7pm. We are closed weekends and public holidays.

We are located at the following addresses:

Self Horizons Head Office
2nd Floor
Pelican House
86 High Street
CT21 5AJ

Self Horizons
1st Floor
Osborne House
Portland Road
CT21 6EG

Telephone: 01303 762949

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